ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Oliver House

Farewell celebration for Loëla Snyman

Celebrating Loëla Snyman’s 40 Years of Service to the ACVV Community

Celebrating Loëla Snyman's 40 Years of Service to the ACVV Community

Mrs Loëla Snyman
Mrs Loëla Snyman

After 40 years of voluntary service to the community, including 18 years on the Management Board of ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre, Loëla Snyman is retiring. Thank you, Mrs Snyman. Your time, your hard work, and your generosity and care, have made a world of difference to us.

Your farewell gift to us will certainly brighten up meal times at Khayalethu. And the boys will always remember you with great fondness.

Khayalethu boys in the dining hall
Thank you Mrs Snyman, for your thoughtful gift!
Khayalethu boys in the dining hall
These Cheerful Table Cloths Brighten Up Every Meal at Khayalethu.
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