ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Oliver House

42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon

42K Buddy Up Relay Marathon

Thank you for your interest in participating in ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre’s 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon Series: a fundraising project initiated by the Khayalethu boys for playground equipment at the Centre.

Do good and have a great time doing it

When you enter a 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon:

  • You empower our boys in realising their goals.
  • You contribute towards providing a safe, child-friendly environment in which our boys will grow.
  • You enjoy a fun-filled morning focussed on healthy competition and camaraderie in a family-friendly environment.

When your organisation enters a 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon, there are the additional benefits of promoting your company in a variety of media, and enjoying a morning of successful team-building.

Find out all you need to know

  1. Each event requires 28 participants – two teams of 14.
  2. Each participant will be partnered with a Khayalethu boy to run (or walk) a 3 km leg of the 42 km marathon.
  3. The START and FINISH of each leg is at the gates of ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre, where participants and supporters are able to enjoy entertainment and refreshments, give starters a great send-off and finishers, a warm welcome home.
  • There is an entrance fee of R100 per person.
  • Proceeds from the sales of refreshments will go towards this fundraising project.
  • A fee is charged for the opportunity to erect branding materials at home base and along the marathon route.

We’re hoping to hold a 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon on the first weekend of the month, every two months. The start is a 07h00 and the event usually lasts from two to three hours, depending on the pace of  the participants. Ask us about the next available date.

How to sign up for the 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathon

If you’re enquiring on behalf of an organisation …

Fill in request for info form by clicking on the button below, and we will get back to you with the details you need. You may also contact Dr Marietjie van der Merwe on or 041 484 5667.

If you’re enquiring as an individual entrant …

Click on the button below to WhatsApp us for details or call us on  041 484 5667.

See past 42 K Buddy Up Relay Marathons


All donations are tax deductible both personally and for your business. Ensure that you receive a receipt from us which you can pass on to your accountant or tax consultant. This will help you pay less tax.

The ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Oliver House is a registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with the South African Revenue Service – PBO Reg. No. 93 000 6889 – and also as a Non Profit Organisation – NPO 199-436.

Find Us

ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Oliver House

Lot 160
Kragga Kamma Road
South Africa

Contact Us



+27 41 484 5667


+27 72 278 8787

The ACVV Khayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Oliver House is a registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with the South African Revenue Service – PBO Reg. No. 93 000 6889 – and also as a Non Profit Organisation – NPO 199-436.

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