Our July 7th Breakfast With Friends
It was a great pleasure to start the day with a group of people who are dear to us; to thank them for all they do for Khayalethu; and to share our big dreams for the Youth Centre.
A great big thank you goes to these friends of Khayalethu for helping to make our Breakfast with Friends possible:
- Our MC and entertainer, Niqui Cloete-Barrass, of Boost Creative Solutions
- Loudeaux Minnie of Angelic Wonders for the delightful table settings
- Keith Webber of D’Fonte Bottled Water for donating the water we enjoyed
- Stuart Haskings of Minuteman Press for sponsoring the printing of our leaflets
- Tracey-Ann Schoemaker of Work at Play Photography and Design for the invitations.
We’re always happy to welcome people to our home and show off the great things the boys of Khayalethu accomplish. These are a few of the early birds who enjoyed a hearty breakfast on an unseasonably warm day: